Sunday 25 September 2016

Production- Storing the footage

In order to make sure our footage will be secure, we saved it in 3 locations: our computer that we are editing on, a USB and an online data storage website. In this case we can insure that our footage will be safe. This is common practice in professional production companies to ensure that the footage will not get destroyed.

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Production- Contact Sheet

This link will take you to a folder which within holds the unedited pictures I have taken for my digipak and A4 advertisement. The password is conractsheet

Friday 2 September 2016

Production- Continuity

One member of our team is in control of continuity. At the beginning and end of shooting at each location, someone will take a picture of the models to ensure that they look the same throughout the video. If this measure is not taken, the audience would recognise the difference and it would appear strange.